Hey fam,
Well ive never been so worried about time to be able to write you everything that has happened this week then I am right now. So this last week I dont even think I mentioned to you guys that we had changes here in the mission. Probably just cuz I was 98% sure that there was no way I was gonna have changes. The first of the week was really good with Elder Price and we were just tryin to work hard so we could see some success this new change. Tuesday nights we always get the call and usually they say thier good byes that day too...well we did not. Im sure you can all figure out what happened to me by now... I had changes. As much as I did not want to leave my area, President called me to be a Zone Leader, and put me as the Zone Leader of the same zone that I was in, and the good thing is that the areas are actually right next door so that I can still keep up on Elder Price and help him out too since he only had 3 weeks to get to know the whole area. I dont know if you remember the video I uploaded of the tall skinny missionary that we broke eggs all over his head when I was in the south, but thats who Elder Price got.
Some crazy and very cool stuff happened at changes as well that just makes this world even smaller then it already is. So theres an Elder Anderson here in the mission, one of my best friends here in the mission for sure. He is from St George and he actually just flew out of this wonderful country a couple days ago cuz the time actually came for him. His parents actually came to pick him up and the day of changes we met up at Wendys here and I got to meet his parents. After chatting a while with his parents, we got on the topic that I worked in Real Estate before my mission and 12 years ago they used to live in Lindon before they moved out to St George. Well turns out they asked who my dad was, I said the famous Brook Gardner and his Dad just yells out... NO WAY haha 12 years ago Dad, you sold his house, His name is Greg Anderson, and his brother Kenny Anderson sent him to you... id imagine you remember that, and if not him, at least Kenny Anderson cuz you guys are really good buddies. Oh and he also mentioned that it was through him, and part of the comission of the deal that we got our trades on the Jest-4-Fun Houseboat, which you guys had just barely put away when I was actually talking to him. Really cool connections weve been able to make here in the mission, too bad it happened to be righ on Elder Andersons last day.
Also very cool stuff... being a ZL now, I got the chance to go back to Valle de Angeles, my old area where I was for christmas and new years... we just recieved an Elder who was there just barely and they had a family mariage and baptism so President said he could go back out there for the baptism as long as one of his Zone Leaders went with him. I would have never seen that coming but it was really awesome to go back out there and see the president of the branch there and some members, really good experience, and an amazing family baptism.
There has been some awesome experiences being a ZL here, its been super tough though. This area where im at now is Girasoles(sunflower), its been really tough. The past 6 months theyve only had 4 baptisms, and only 1 in the past 3. Were fighting to find new people but its been fun, I love the members they just havent been working as much as they need to. Its gonna be a really good change though, we have a ton of good Elders in the zone and its gonna be fun!!
Oh by the way... Noel, the missionary that is headed to England, he still hasnt left, I thought he had already left. The amazing news though is that he officially has the date. He is going to the Provo MTC the 22 or 23 of this month. I was so stoked to hear that. I have a huge favor that I want all of you to do for him. It would be my dream if you guys could go pick him up Id imagine on the 22nd from the airport so you guys can get to know him and take him to see the temples, lunch, and all the cool stuff to see if UT for a Honduran. Id imagine what your gonna have to do is go to the MTC and talk to someone there to get permission to go pick him up and take him around and then turn him in on wednesday in the morning like always. I already talked to him and he like wanted to cry he was so happy. I dont know if it would be possible but Ive heard it being done before. There was missionary in the last ward that served in ID and the missionary that baptized him lived in UT so he went and picked him up and took him around and he spent the night at his house. I know its possible so if you can figure that out that would be soo incredible.
Ugh im just so happy right now with everthing that is happening to me in the mission right now, life has gotten even crazier but I love it. Every day I learn something, or somehting happens to us that just is a realization i guess or testimony that what im doing right now in my life is where the lord wants me to be!! Ive written wayyyyyyy toooo much but I want you all to know I love this church, and I love my eternal family soooooooooo much. Everyhting I do here is for you guys and as always for the lord. You are all my MOTIVATION, if I get disanimated I just think about you guys and who you all want me to be and expect me to be, and I make it through the day!! You guys are everything to me, thanks for everything!! Mom... Stop crying... you too Tadd
haha I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love your missionary
Elder Gardner
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