Friday, November 4, 2011

wood carvings of the temple

Comp goes home this week

Hey Everyone,

Another long week that flew by as we look back. It was the last full week of Elder Nielsen... he flys home on thursday so he has slowly been saying his goodbyes and trying his best to work as hard as he can in these last couple days!! He has help up really well, I hope I can do the same. I figure that by the 14th of December ill be headed on my way to my last area which is just crazy cuz its such mixed feelings after watching Nielsen in his last days.
This week wasnt anything amazing... we found lots of new people but sadly by the end of the week they werent progressing much and only 1 of the new ones came to church... of course a sister of a member. We have really been struggling with the members wanting to work with us. Ive made a lot of goals for this up coming change to work with the members in different creative ways. We are starting to do more activities too which has been good, we have one tomorrow and more planned later in November... I cant belive were already in November and less then 2 months away from Christmas.
As far as the progress with Hosman and his wife Yasmin... well they did not come to church yesterday and it was super devistating. He got called into work at the last minute and with the fact that he has been without a job for over 3 months before this one... he felt really obligated to go and his testimony of everything just isnt super strong yet.. which worries us but we met with them last night and worked some things out and had another really spiritual lesson. Were gonna have to put the baptismal date of her back another week it looks like, to the 19th but she said she is willing to work towards it! We know that if she will just go to the church... she will feel what she needs to feel to be converted with all the awesome members that we have!
The stake President here lives in our ward and he is so awesome.. he has been helping us out a ton. He is only 34 years old and him and his wife both served mission... even met each other in the mission. They always want to leave with us despite the fact that they are soooo busy with their 4 kids. We are gonna go do a service project for them tomorrow and paint a whole new part of their house where they have built were excited about that.
This is gonna be a hecktic week, with Nielsen going home and me getting a new ZL Companion but im excited and definately ready for a change. I just hope its not another baggy greengo in his last change... I just might die if I have to do that again.
I dont know if I let you know last week... but I got the package and the letters and candy bars that you all sent me.. I love them!!! Thank you
I want you all to know how much I love you all, I got the newspaper article about Grandma Manwaring too and Ive been showing her off to everyone... My hero!!
Wish me luck in this upcoming week with my new comp and all the new changes in the zone and the mission. There are 19 elders going home right now and 19 elders, and 2 sisters that are all coming in as well... I feel bad for the Elders in the office! haha

I love you all!!
Love Your Missionary
Elder Gardner