Hey Fam and Friends!!
Well there is a ton that I have to say this week because a ton happened so Ill just save obviously the best for last. So Monday after sending the email i went to a store and found Camilo (my most recent baptism from Sabanagrande), I went and bought him a white shirt and a couple ties and a triple to send out to Sabanagrande and im hoping its just getting to him today and hopefully I can give him a short call this week to find out how he is doin! We had a service project to cut grass of one of the less active members and wow iv never missed the blessings of lawn mowers so much. There was 4 of us missionaries, 3 machetes and one antique rusty rotating blade push grass cutter, if that doesnt explain it well enough I dont know what else wood because I didnt get any pictures but it was a project to say the least! After 5 hours of work and then a big bonfire to kill all the grass we got some beans, cheese and tortillas! Delicious!
To sum up the rest of the week to get to the other good stuff we were at Sister Cordova´s (lady who lives in the states and is the owner of where were renting) and she is trying to rent out her place and we just happened to be there when some people came in that couldnt speak much Spanish so while some were looking at the house, I taught the 3 others about the church and actually placed my first English Book of Mormon with her and havent seen them since but its been fun to learn how to teach in the both languages now.
We also taught a lady who after 30 minutes of talking to us about the gospel and sharing different scriptures she told us she is scared of god, doesnt want to know the truth (her exact words) and wouldnt even take a pamphlet about the restoration afterwards because of it... im still trying to figure out the lesson I was supposed to learn from that but its been something else trying to find people to teach here in Valle de Ángeles but an adventure at the same time! Im learning so much about myself out here and about my personal spiritual strength to pull my companion out the door each day to work and teach him that a lesson isn't just going to members house and playing PlayStation... its been tough but were getting better!
To get to the good stuff... obviously from the pictures we married Eduvijes and Neftali Salgado Valasquez. This was my first marriage and this couple weve been working with for a long time. Eduvijes has been receiving the lessons for a while from us and from before I got here and then the first week I got here we placed the marriage date for this past friday and then her baptism for Saturday. Neftali had a lot of doubts and worries about getting married but we finally got them both to accept. Friday afternoon we all met up at the marriage place in Valle and after an hour an a half and lots of worries and doubts that they just wouldnt show up... they showed but the power had been out in the whole pueblo so they were working forever on just typing the documents up on an old school typewriter. The pictures that you have are the ones in the marriage/conference room where Eduvijes is signing and Neftali fingerprinting because he never learned to read or write and therefore sign but regardless after about 3 hours we finalized the marriage, they kissed and we were ready for the baptism of Eduvijes! Next day was Saturday we went to the church early to fill up the font for the baptism at 3, the plan was were gonna have 3 baptisms, one being hours, the other of the other missionaries that are in Valle with us, and then a 8 year old girl. Surprisingly the only one that didn't show up was the 8 year old girl because of one reason or another. I ended up baptizing Eduvijes and we had a really good baptismal service thanks to the faithful relief society president and her husband and the president of the branch!!
Other quick great news is that Noel Castro... just sent in his mission papers on Friday and I have been dying to talk to him but we haven't had any minutes on the phone that we have until today but Iv talked a lot about him from all my time there in Sabanagrande and now his time has finally come and Im hoping to give him a call sometime this week! Im so excited for him!! It should be about 3 months or so before he gets his call is what I hear but they are in! Time is going by so fast!
Thats about all I had today but you should all know that I have such a firm testimony in this gospel and that this work here is the work of the lord. We arent only Finding, Teaching, and Baptizing... we are building the kingdom of the lord here on the earth! I know that to be true and wouldnt deny the truthfulness of this gospel for anything in the world! I know the strength of families is what means more then the world to me right now at this time in my mission and in my life when I need it the most! Its when I need it that I can find it in the letters from home! Dont worry im not baggy or trunky whatever you want to call it... im just learning more and more every day about the importance of my family in my life! Without knowing that you all are there supporting and praying for me each day... I wouldnt be able to do it here! The prayers of each one of you are being answered and mean more then the world to me! This is my testimony and love that I wish to express to you all today so that you know how much I care!
Love you ALL so dang much!! Muah!!
Love Elder Gardner